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Tell us about your internship! [Hannah]

Hannah returned to her home state of Vermont to complete her summer internship. She was fortunate enough to work for two state agencies: Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) and Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD). While working for ANR, Hannah assisted the senior policy advisor on climate policy for the state. She worked on a memo for the Vermont Legislature about funding incentives for electric vehicle purchases for Vermonters to lessen our carbon emissions and switch to renewable electricity generation. She also helped to create the ANR Climate Change website, which will be launching this fall!

Hannah was also able to experience the more traditional side of planning through her internship with ACCD. Here, Hannah was tasked with developing case studies and funding toolboxes for communities interested in revitalizing their village greens. Village greens are an important historic, cultural space in the heart of many New England communities that serve as a gathering place. Sharing success stories of communities that have renovated their greens can help inspire other communities to follow suit. If you are curious about Hannah's experience in the Green Mountain State, you can email her at or find her in the Grad Lab (where she spends way too much time!).

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